Experience the Future of Secure Assessments
At Aspeq, we are committed to providing high-quality assessments anytime, anywhere. Our remote invigilation service allows candidates to sit exams from the comfort of their own homes, no matter where they are in the world.
We are proud to partner with Meazure Learning, a globally respected leader in live remote exam invigilation. This partnership ensures that our candidates receive a secure, consistent, and convenient testing experience.
At Aspeq, we are committed to providing high-quality assessments anytime, anywhere. Our remote invigilation service allows candidates to sit exams from the comfort of their own homes, no matter where they are in the world.
We are proud to partner with Meazure Learning, a globally respected leader in live remote exam invigilation. This partnership ensures that our candidates receive a secure, consistent, and convenient testing experience.

Why Choose Remote Invigilation/Proctoring?
We understand that accessing a physical exam centre isn't always possible. Mobility challenges, time constraints, financial limitations, and travel restrictions can all make it difficult for candidates to attend in-person exams. That's why we've introduced our remote invigilation service, offering flexibility without compromising on security.
US-based Meazure Learning is a globally respected pioneer and leader in live remote exam invigilation. With the largest and most experienced remote invigilation operation in the market, Meazure Learning is the ideal partner to support Aspeq in bringing its high-stakes assessment services to candidates anywhere in the world.
Meazure’s Learning remote invigilation system integrates seamlessly with Aspeq’s assessment, providing a smooth experience for candidates. Like Aspeq, Meazure Learning puts security at the forefront of everything it does. It’s a leader in enhanced exam security.
US-based Meazure Learning is a globally respected pioneer and leader in live remote exam invigilation. With the largest and most experienced remote invigilation operation in the market, Meazure Learning is the ideal partner to support Aspeq in bringing its high-stakes assessment services to candidates anywhere in the world.
Meazure’s Learning remote invigilation system integrates seamlessly with Aspeq’s assessment, providing a smooth experience for candidates. Like Aspeq, Meazure Learning puts security at the forefront of everything it does. It’s a leader in enhanced exam security.

How It Works
Remote invigilation allows candidates to sit high-stakes exams from virtually anywhere in the world, as long as they have access to a computer with a stable internet connection, a webcam and microphone.
Once a candidate has logged in through Aspeq’s portal to sit their exam, they’ll be greeted by an on-screen trained invigilator who will take them through a series of physical and technical security checks to ensure their environment is compliant. This includes measures such as identity validation, scrutinising the physical environment through a 360-camera pan of the room, as well as securing the virtual environment by closing all external applications and disconnecting additional monitors.
Throughout the exam, the invigilator is trained to detect suspicious behaviour that may indicate the candidate is cheating, reading notes or taking advice. At any point, the invigilator may request a physical inspection of the candidate’s environment through their mic and webcam. Additional technical safeguards ensure the candidate is unable to access anything on their machine other than the exam.

Unleashing Global Talent
The remote invigilation service will make it easier for clients to attract global talent in high-demand sectors, like education, health and trades, as candidates and students can prove their aptitude or obtain the certifications and licence necessary to start work or continue their study.
Although the innovative offering is new, Aspeq has already had success in delivering remote exams in this way. For example, recently, a candidate sat an exam for the NZ Midwifery Council from her home in the Eastern European country of Georgia, giving her the certification she needed to come to New Zealand to pursue midwifery - a critically understaffed field - as a career.
With Aspeq’s clients spanning trades, finance, health, aviation and other key social services, the remote invigilation offering may help bring global talent to New Zealand’s economy.